There are two disadvantages in the traditional FB PS ZVS DC/ DC converter: one is the loss of duty cycle of output voltage of secondary winding is high, the other is it is hard to realize ZVS for the lagging arm in light load condition. 传统移相全桥ZVSDC/DC变换器具有两个主要的缺点:一是副边占空比丢失较大,二是变换器在轻载时无法实现滞后桥臂开关管的ZVS。
As for the soft-switching converter in arc welding power supply, the lagging leg is hard to achieve ZVS under low load condition in FB-ZVS-PWM converter. The reason is analyzed and the secondly side auxiliary inductor is proposed to overcome the defect. 本文针对目前软开关逆变弧焊电源变换器的应用,分析了FB-ZVS-PWM变换器滞后臂较难实现零电压开通的原因,并采用副边辅助电感的方法来克服。
The ZCS condition for lagging switches under wide load range is provided by a secondary auxiliary circuit. 利用副边的辅助电路在宽负载范围内实现了滞后管的零电流软开关(ZCS),解决了滞后管软开关的难题。
ZVZCS PWM combined TL converter can realizes ZVS for the leading switches and ZCS for the lagging switches in a wide load range, and the body diode reverse recovery of one pair of leading switches is avoided due to ZCS. ZVZCSPWM组合式TL变换器可以在宽负载范围内实现超前管的ZVS和滞后管的ZCS,同时超前管的体二极管不存在反向恢复现象。